On board florist

Number of guests
Additional cost
Number of crew
Gifts and indulgences

Make a lasting impression with the help of our on board florists.

If you’re planning to make a romantic gesture, mark a special occasion or simply enhance the style of your suite or stateroom, our florists can help. Choose from colourful arrangements, elegant buttonholes or even a dozen red roses in advance and they’ll be ready when requested during your voyage.

Arrangements and pricing

Bouquets Price
Tropical Exotica US$90
Sailaway Bouquet US$80
Dozen White Roses US$75
Dozen Pink Roses US$75
Dozen Red Roses US$75
European Vase US$60
Garden Bouquet US$55
Dozen Carnations US$45
Half Dozen White Roses US$45
Half Dozen Pink Roses US$45
Half Dozen Red Roses US$45
Single White Rose US$7.50
Single Pink Rose US$7.50
Single Red Rose US$7.50

Arrangements may vary due to regional and seasonal availability and weather conditions. Should we experience unusually high demand for floral arrangements on embarkation day, it may not be possible to deliver some flowers until the following day.


Already booked your voyage?

Log in to My Cunard to order flowers.



Ordering a gift for someone else?

Speak to our Customer Contact Centre on 0344 338 8641*.


*Local call charges apply. For opening hours please visit our Contact Us page.

How does it work?


1. Select your package

Browse the selection of gifts and flowers on cunard.com or My Cunard and find that special something that will enhance the occasion even further.


2. Make it yours

When you’ve made your choice, simply let us know who your gift is for and how you’d like it to be delivered.

Laurent-Perrier champagne on balcony

3. Enjoy your gift

Any gifts or vouchers ordered will be delivered to the recipient’s suite or stateroom on the day they embark.